About Us

Corporate Governance

Our Supervisory Board and Managing Board work together to provide our services in compliance with national and international banking codes of ethics.

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board supervises the Bank’s affairs and is composed in a manner in which it is able to perform its tasks properly. The combined expertise of the members of the Supervisory Board enables the Supervisory Board to carry out the interests of all parties involved in the bank, including its clients, shareholders and employees to the best degree.

The Supervisory Board is composed of the following members:

  • Mr. Mahmut Akten
  • Mr. Avni Aydın Düren
  • Ms. Mirjam Halverhout
  • Mr. John Hayes Boyles
  • Mr. Murat Talayhan

The Supervisory Board deems it useful that its tasks and responsibilities be further regulated by a Charter governing the Supervisory Board. This Charter supplements that which is provided for in the law and the Articles of Association concerning the duties, composition, procedures and decision making of the Supervisory Board and its relation with the Managing Board.

Managing Board

The Managing Board members perform their tasks in a meticulous, skilled, and equitable manner, taking into account applicable laws and regulations, codes of conduct, and best market practices. The Managing Board is composed of following members

  • Mr. S. Erhan Zeyneloğlu, Chief Executive Officer
  • Mr. Marco Witteveen, Chief Operating Officer
  • Dr. Övünç Şişman, Chief Financial Officer
  • Mr. Cem Bahadır Mutlu, Chief Risk Officer

The Managing Board deems it useful that its tasks and responsibilities be further regulated by a Charter governing the Managing Board. This Charter supplements that which is provided for in the law and the Articles of Association concerning the duties, composition, procedures and decision making of the Managing Board and its relation with the Supervisory Board and stakeholders.

Managing Board Charter

Codes of Conduct